Trellis net in a roll 1.7x50 m


SKU: SSH0011953 Categories: , Brand:

Green cucumber trellis net 1.7x50 rollThe double upper and lower edge of the net allows you to withstand heavy loads during the ripening period of the crop and the increase in the weight of vegetables.High strength allows you to withstand strong gusts of wind in the open field.Color: greenCell size: 15x17 cm.Width: 1.7 m.Length: 50 m.Effect of use:Reduced losses from rotting of fruits lying on the ground.It is easier to weed, fertilize and treat with plant preparations.Better access to light and air is provided to plants, which greatly affects the yield.Harvesting from high beds becomes more convenient (fruits are clearly visible through large mesh cells).Vegetables have a better presentation, there is no dust and dirt, as in conventional beds.The efficiency of soil use of the same area increases at least twice.


50 m.


1.7 m

Mesh size

15x17 cm.



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Trellis net in a roll 1.7x50 m

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