Growth regulator Vertex 10 ml TM Family Garden


Growth regulator Vertex 10 ml
A complex growth regulator of contact-systemic action for the treatment of vegetative plants and seeds.  
Preparative form: soluble concentrate. Active ingredient: polyethylene glycol-400, 230 g/l; polyethylene glycol-1500, 540 g/l; sodium humate, 3 g/l. WHO classification: class IV (low hazard). Packaging: 10 ml.
The active ingredients that make up the Vertex plant growth regulator enhance each other's effects and provide the drug with multifunctionality. Therefore, it has the properties of a growth stimulator, adaptogen, cryoprotector, anti-stressor, adhesive, disease inhibitor, and soil activator.
1. Adhesion function: ensures the fixation of tank preparations on the surface of seeds and leaves, which increases the effectiveness of biological preparations, pesticides and microfertilizers.
2. Adaptogen, cryoprotector function: the culture becomes more resistant to adverse environmental factors, better tolerates elevated and lowered temperatures, and low air humidity.
3. Disease inhibitor function: due to increased immunity, plant susceptibility is reduced by 1.5-2 times.
4. Growth stimulant function: accelerates growth and photosynthesis processes.
5. Anti-stress function: removes phytotoxicity after pesticide treatment.

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Growth regulator Vertex 10 ml TM Family Garden

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