Sunflower Ash 1.5 L


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Sunflower ash 1 l
This alkaline potassium-phosphorus fertilizer with a complex effect is one of the best. The benefits of ash are contributed by potassium and phosphorus, which have a high level of absorption by plants. It is important to note that ash does not contain chlorine, for this reason it can also be used for crops that are negatively affected by it. Ash is the most natural fertilizer, since, in fact, it is that part of the mineral impurities that does not burn during absolute combustion.
Useful properties:
enriches the soil with a complex of nutrients;
balances water content;
reduces soil acidity;
significantly accelerates the course of development and maturation;
helps fight pests.
Method of use and dosage:
for use in the process of germinating seeds – 10 g of ash per 1 liter of water, then let it infuse for 48 hours;
preparing the soil - from 1 to 1.5 kg of ash per 10 sq. m. (It is recommended to apply to soil with a clay composition in the autumn, and to soil with a sandy composition - in the spring);
for useful plant dressing (including when growing seedlings) - 0.2-0.3 kg of ash per 10 liters of water and leave for 2-3 days (0.5 liters is optimal for 1 plant);
to prevent the appearance of various diseases and pests (such as aphids or powdery mildew) - 0.3-0.4 kg of ash and 50 g of soap per 10 liters of water.
Features: this fertilizer has a long-lasting effect (2-5 years).

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Sunflower Ash 1.5 L
Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+