Permaclean Liquid 20 ml


Systemic herbicide for controlling annual dicotyledonous and cereal weeds in potato and vegetable cultivation.

Permaclean Liquid allows you to achieve even better results than when using Zenkoru 70 WG, VG, without increasing the application rates. The liquid formulation increases the activity of the active ingredient, improves the quality and stability of the working solution, and also reduces the risk of sediment formation during the preparation of tank mixtures.


Consumption rate per 1 hundred square meters

Harmful objects



5 – 11 ml / 5l of water


cereals and



Spraying the soil before crop emergence


3 – 5 ml / 5l of water

Spraying the soil before crop emergence and after 10-20 days (from the "pencil" phase)

Tomatoes without seedlings

3 – 5 ml / 5l of water

Spraying the soil before crop emergence and in the 4-6 leaf phase of the crop

Seedling tomatoes

5 – 7 ml / 5l of water

Spraying after rooting of planted seedlings in 15-20 days

Permaclean Liquid 600 SC, KS highly effective against dicotyledonous weeds: ragweed, blue cornflower,

white quinoa, medicinal rutabaga, common gill, chamomile, bittercress, garden purslane, thistle

yellow-flowered, field mustard, garden thistle, medium starwort; and against monocotyledonous weeds:

field foxtail, oat, edible sedge, chickweed, peasant millet, fenugreek, mouseweed.

Less effective against field thistle, field birch, and common ragwort.

The rate of consumption of the drug on potatoes depends on the type of soil. On light soils, 5 ml is enough.

of the drug per 100 square meters, and on heavy ones - up to 11 ml per 100 square meters.

The consumption rate of the drug must be diluted in 5 liters of water. This working solution is sufficient for

processing 1 hundredth of acre of potatoes or vegetables.

To ensure the purity of the crop until summer, it is necessary that the herbicide film after spraying

was not destroyed by inter-row tillage.

  • It cannot be used in greenhouses and hothouses, as it may cause phytotoxicity to cultivated plants.

 Permaclean Liquid 20 ml Bayer

The herbicide “Permaclean Liquid”, known until 2019 as “Zencor Liquid”, is an effective means for the destruction of annual dicotyledonous and grassy weeds. It is available in the form of a suspension. Due to the semi-liquid state of the drug, the effectiveness of its active ingredient, metribuzin, is significantly increased. Thus, the performance of the solution prepared for soil cultivation is improved. When mixing tank mixtures, the risk of sedimentation is significantly reduced.

Permaclean Liquid belongs to the third hazard class, that is, it is considered a low-hazard agent. Features inherent in this herbicide:

  • the composition does not contain dust fractions;
  • quickly and completely dissolves in water;
  • low consumption rate;
  • long period of protective action (up to 30 days);
  • does not clog filters;
  • without foaming.

The presented herbicide is used to protect vegetable crops from weeds that interfere with their growth. This drug is recommended to be used before the emergence of seedlings or in the initial phase of vegetable crop development. The drug destroys the root system of weeds by penetrating through the leaves and shoots. If you strictly follow the instructions and timing of herbicide application, it does not have a harmful effect on cultivated plants. The amount of the drug consumed depends on the type of soil being treated. Approximately 10-11 mg of the drug is required to treat one hundred square meters of “heavy” soil, and half as much for “light” soils.

It is convenient to buy the herbicide Permaclin Liquid (Zenkor Liquid) 20 ml in Kiev through the catalog of the online store Zerno (Ukraine), the price fully corresponds to the quality of the product. All orders are promptly processed and delivered to customers throughout Ukraine.

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Permaclean Liquid 20 ml

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