Seeds – Wormwood, Satimex (Germany), 0.1 g.


Perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. Medicinal, food, phytoncide, essential oil, dye and insecticidal crop. The root system is taproot, branched. The stem is straight, branched, 60-120 cm high, like the whole plant, whitish-gray from pressed silvery hairs. Flowers with yellow perianth, tubular. Blooms in June-September. In folk medicine, flowering shoots are used for stomach diseases, dysentery, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney and liver diseases, headaches, from worms, coughs, in case of obesity, inflammation of the appendix, jaundice, dropsy, scurvy, malaria, gout, paralysis, scrofula. Externally it is used for bruises, tumors, calluses, for washing wounds, treating scabies.

Plant height

Medium-sized (up to 100 cm)







Cultivation method

Open ground


Satimex, Germany

Shopping Basket
Seeds – Wormwood, Satimex (Germany), 0.1 g.

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