Seeds – Dill Ella, indoor, Enza Zaden (Netherlands), 1 g.


A variety of dill for growing in pots. Dark green leaves with a bluish tint. The plant has short internodes, forms a beautiful compact bunch, rich in vitamins and trace elements. You can sow the seeds directly on the surface of moistened soil, lightly sprinkling them. Cover the container with the seeds with cellophane and put them in a dark place with a temperature of about + 20 °C for a week. The stems and leaves of dill do not grow back after cutting, so in order to continuously get fresh greens, sow the seeds on the freed area of your micro-garden every three weeks. Dill loves light. Place the crops on a bright windowsill, and in winter, provide additional lighting for dill by installing fluorescent lamps at a height of 50 cm above the plants. Dill must be watered regularly, especially during seed germination and when young shoots appear. It is recommended to feed the plants with complex mineral fertilizer once every two weeks. It is best to grow dill at a temperature of 18 °C, but even on a glazed balcony, when the temperature drops to + 8 °C, the plants will feel quite comfortable.



Ripening period






Cultivation method

Closed ground


Enza Zaden, Netherlands



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Seeds – Dill Ella, indoor, Enza Zaden (Netherlands), 1 g.

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