Seeds – Eggplant Knight Lady F1, United Genetics (Italy), 30 pcs.


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The heat-loving hybrid of early ripening is appreciated by farmers for its high yield, both in open areas and under film cover or in greenhouse complexes. It is optimally suited for cultivation in the southern regions of Ukraine, as it has good tolerance to high temperatures and drought. The variety is distinguished by the eggplant color of fruits weighing 180-200 g with a cylindrical shape and a shiny surface. The fruits reach maturity in 45-50 days. The hybrid actively resists pathogenic bacteriosis, putrefactive manifestations, and attacks by harmful parasites. Agrotechnical measures during the growing season are standard - watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil. When cooking, preserving and baking, it has an excellent taste without bitterness. The shelf life of the fruits is high, which allows the fruits to be transported and stored without harm to marketability.

Fruit shape


Before ripening

Up to 100 days

Fruit color




Ripening period



F1 hybrid



Cultivation method

Open ground, Closed ground


United Genetics, Italy


For long-term storage

Shopping Basket
Seeds – Eggplant Knight Lady F1, United Genetics (Italy), 30 pcs.

Available on back-order

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