Seeds – Marshmallow, Hem Zaden (Netherlands), 0.1 g.


A perennial unpretentious plant from the herbaceous genus. The root is quite large, branched, can reach 50 cm in length. The stems are gray-green, arranged vertically, about 1 m high, covered with toothed leaves of the same color, soft to the touch. The flowers are pale pink, grow in bunches of several pieces in one axil. Marshmallow blooms from June to July, and the seeds ripen in early autumn. Marshmallow medicinal preparations are used for diseases of the respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tract. Water extracts from Marshmallow are used for chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchial asthma. Marshmallow-based preparations are also antitussive. And the root is often used for gastritis and stomach ulcers.







Cultivation method

Open ground


Hem Zaden, Netherlands

Shopping Basket
Seeds – Marshmallow, Hem Zaden (Netherlands), 0.1 g.

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