Copper sulfate 0.1 kg


SKU: DBR010931 Categories: , Brand:

Mineral fertilizer, as well as an effective disinfectant. As a fertilizer, copper sulfate prevents copper deficiency in plants and the negative consequences associated with it: lack of growth and flowering, decline in immune properties. As a fungicide, it completely eliminates plants from fungal diseases, protects against soil pests.
Copper sulfate – 0.1 kg package.
saturation of the soil with copper for normal development and abundant flowering;
formation of plant immunity;
prevention and control of fungal diseases and harmful insects.
 Method of application (application rates):
– for pre-sowing seed treatment – 0.2 g per 1 liter of water;- for soil preparation – 1 g per 1 sq.m. (In autumn or spring, no more than once every 5 years);- for root feeding of plants – 1 g per 10 liters of water;- for foliar feeding of plants – 0.2 g per 1 liter of water;- for spraying against fungi and pests – 5-10 g per 1 liter of water with the addition of lime or soda in a ratio of 1: 2 to avoid plant burns (for bushes – 1-15 liters of solution, for trees – 2-5 liters of solution).
Features: do not store in metal containers to avoid entering into a chemical reaction, excess fertilizer leads to the death of plants. Shelf life and agrotechnical suitability: 2 years.

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Copper sulfate 0.1 kg

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