100% органічне добриво. Сприяє підвищенню врожайності грунту, а також увелічіается вміст гумусу в грунті за рахунок активації природних процесів. У курячому посліді вміст поживних речовин для росту і розвитку рослини значно більше, ніж в звичайному гної.
Granulated chicken manure has no odor. Granulated chicken manure does not contain viable weed seeds, eggs and larvae of helminths and flies. Granulated chicken manure does not have the increased humidity and stickiness characteristic of litter-free manure. During storage, raw manure heats up greatly, which increases nitrogen losses in the form of gaseous ammonia - after 6 months of storage, losses reach 50% and more. A study of the effect of the storage period of granulated manure on changes in its properties showed that within 6-8 months, significant changes in chemical composition do not occur.
ADVANTAGES of granulated chicken manure
Granulated chicken manure does not change its properties during long-term storage. Its granules are waterproof, swell when in contact with water, increasing in size by two times, which helps them retain water during drought. When there is a lack of water in the soil, they slowly give off this moisture, providing better conditions for plant roots and microorganisms during short-term droughts. During granulation, the number of microorganisms decreases by 2 times, which guarantees the absence of pathogenic microorganisms. Granulated manure does not contain viable weed seeds. When storing granular manure, even after opening the package, its chemical parameters remain unchanged for 6-8 months. The advantage of granular fertilizers is the possibility of local application.
Dry fertilizing of the plot 150g per 1 m2;
Put 15g (1 tablespoon) in the hole;
Liquid top dressing 0.5-0.8 liters per hole.
Preparation of a liquid solution: pour 1 kg of chicken manure with 3 liters of water and leave for 1 day, then add 20 liters of water and mix.
Shelf life: no restrictions.
Chicken manure (granulated) 1 kg
23,40 ₴
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