Kapkan Ukravit paraffin briquettes in a jar 300 g


Ready-made poisonous baits for the destruction of mouse-like rodents in residential, industrial and non-residential premises, on homestead plots and agricultural lands.  

Preparation form: Bait (ready to use)
Active ingredient: Brodifacoum 0.005

Chemical group: Heterocyclic compounds.

Toxicity: WHO classification: Class III (moderately hazardous compound). Has pronounced cumulative properties.

  • convenient drug ready for use;
  • does not require prior feeding of rodents;
  • is excellently eaten by pests;
  • after eating the bait, rodents behave naturally (adequately), without arousing suspicion among their relatives;
  • Rodents die after 3-5 days, even after eating the bait once;
  • filter bag, briquettes, grain mixture are convenient for placing in small holes;
  • the possibility of direct human contact with the bait is minimized;
  • destroys various types of mouse-like rodents with an effectiveness of up to 100%;
  • long shelf life.  
Homestead plots, Closed premises

Harmful object:rats, house mice, voles, rats
Waiting period: 
Method, processing time, limitations: 
Consumption rates: 20 g per substrate, 5 g per hole - 30 g per substrate, 5 g per hole

Harmful object: rats, voles, house mice, mice
Waiting period: 
Method, processing time, limitations: 
Consumption rates: 2 briquettes — 3 briquettes

Harmful object: rats, voles, house mice, mice
Waiting period: 
Method, processing time, limitations: 
Consumption rates: 2 packages — 3 packages

Compatibility: Does not need partners

Mechanism of action:

A second-generation anticoagulant that acts on prothrombin synthesis and is manifested in disruption of the blood clotting mechanism and causes an increased tendency to bleed, which leads to the death of rodents. 

Spectrum of action: Rats, house mouse, vole, mice, water rat, rat, rat

Working solution consumption rate:

Dough in a filter bag – 2-3 bags; paraffin briquettes – 2-3 briquettes; grain mixture – 20-30 g per substrate, 5 g in each hole 

Application features:

TRAP is ready for use and does not require any preliminary preparation. To achieve maximum effectiveness of the drug, it is necessary to examine the entire territory before its deployment in order to determine the best bait placement points - places of shelter and feeding places of rodents, their passages and burrows in the floor, walls, foundation and garbage heaps, as well as water sources, which is especially important for fighting rats. If possible, all places for bait placement should be inaccessible to children, as well as birds and animals, including domestic ones. All baits should be covered to prevent animals and birds from accessing them. This measure also increases the effectiveness of the drug, since rodents feel safer under cover. For these purposes, you can use drainage pipes, boards leaning against the wall or special bait boxes. To destroy rats, bait placement points are usually placed at a distance of 3-15 m, and with a strong rodent population, they are reduced to 3 m. It is important to arrange baits for rodents from the places where they live, in feeding places and water sources. The destruction of mice is more difficult, since their diet is more chaotic and they do not need to consume water. Therefore, determining the place of their feeding, where baits should mainly be placed, is important. Moreover, the distance between the baits in these cases is up to 2 m.  



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Kapkan Ukravit paraffin briquettes in a jar 300 g

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