Insecticide Aktara 1.4 g Syngenta


Syngenta Aktora systemic insecticide 1.4 g

Active ingredient content

250 g/kg thiamethoxam

Chemical group


Preparative form

Water-soluble granules

Toxicity class

WHO classification: III


1.4 g (packet)


Spraying: Dilute 1 package (1.4 g) in 10 liters of water. Consumption rate - up to 5 liters of working solution per 1 hundred square meters.

Waiting period: potatoes, vegetables - 20 days; apple trees, cabbage - 14 days.


Drug consumption rate, ml/10 l of water

Working fluid consumption rate, l/hectare, wood

Harmful objects



Up to 5 liters

Colorado potato beetle, aphids, leafhoppers


0.2 percent solution

1 l / 250 plants

Soil pests, Colorado potato beetle, cruciferous flea beetle, aphids



Up to 5 liters




2–5 l

Apple blossom borer, aphids, apple fruit sawfly, bud weevils

Aktara 25 WG v. g. — a new generation systemic insecticide, highly effective and fast acting (within 15 minutes) regardless of weather conditions. Aktara 25 WG v. g. is guaranteed to protect plants for 24 days, which is 6–7 days longer than other insecticides. Aktara 25 WG v. g. also protects young shoots that appeared after treatment, due to the high solubility and mobility of the active substance in the plant. The active substance of the drug moves through the plant only upwards (apically) along the xylem and does not accumulate in tubers, vegetables and fruits, which are formed with the outflow of plastic masses along the phloem. The drug belongs to the class of low-toxic substances (LD50>5000 mg/kg).

Aktara 25 WG v. g. Registered for spraying plants, as well as for soaking tomato, cabbage, sweet pepper and eggplant seedlings, and treating potato tubers before planting.


To protect against soil-borne (wireworms, cabbage loopers, beetle larvae), early spring leaf-eating insects (Colorado red beetle, cruciferous fleas, weevils), sucking insects (aphids, thrips, leafhoppers) and other pests, methods of soil application of Aktara 25 WG, v. g. have been developed, which have significant advantages:

  • long protective period - 60–100 days;
  • weather conditions (rain, air temperature, solar insolation) do not affect the effectiveness of the action;
  • optimal protection against carriers of viral diseases;
  • safety for people and the environment;
  • non-toxic to bees and beneficial entomofauna;
  • The drug does not spread to neighboring areas.


Processing potato tubers before planting. Dissolve a 6 g packet in 0.3–0.5 l of water. Pour the tubers onto the film and evenly spray with the working solution and mix thoroughly. Plant the treated tubers immediately after treatment.


Soaking the roots of vegetable seedlings. To soak the root system of vegetable crops, prepare a 0.2% solution of the drug. To do this, dilute a 1.4 g package in 0.7 l or a 6 g package in 3 l of water. Before planting, soak 200–250 seedlings in 1 l of solution for at least 1.5–2 hours. It is better to do this in advance 12 hours before planting. The remaining working solution is diluted to 10 l and used to water the plants after planting. The protective effect time is 60–70 days. When growing seedlings in special cassettes or pots, soaking is carried out 24 hours before planting seedlings in the field. To do this, the cassette is immersed in a working solution of Aktara 25 WG, v. g. at a concentration of 0.2 % for 10–15 seconds.


Watering vegetable crops. Water with a 0.2% solution of Aktara 25 WG, v. g. under the plant at the rate of 30–50 ml/plant. The best protective effect is achieved when watering with Aktara solution during planting or 3–5 days after planting seedlings and their rooting. For watering, use a measuring cup or a sprayer without a spray nozzle.


Watering berry and fruit crops. Watered with a 0.2% solution of Aktara 25 WG, v. g. at the following rate: strawberries - 30–50 ml/plant, berry fruits (currants, gooseberries, raspberries) - 150–200 ml/bush, fruit fruits - 1.5–2.0 l/tree.


Protection of fruit crops and strawberries during spring planting (soil weeding). To protect strawberry seedlings and cuttings during planting, prepare a soil mixture in the proportion of 1 liter of water + 30 g of Aktara 25 WG, v. g. + 1 kg of clay and 1 kg of black soil. This mixture is designed for 15–20 seedlings or 25–30 cuttings. The roots of the seedlings or cuttings are immersed in the mixture and planted in the soil.

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Insecticide Aktara 1.4 g Syngenta

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