Gold Star 5g


Highly effective post-emergence herbicide of systemic action for the destruction of dicotyledonous weeds, including species resistant to 2,4-D in crops of cereal crops.

Active ingredient: tribenuron-methyl, 750 g/kg. 
Preparation form: water-dispersible granules.

Spectrum of controlled weeds:

  • Sensitive weeds: Common mustard, chamomile (species), field mustard, black mustard, common buckwheat, common sedge, wild radish, common sedge, buttercup (species), common star anise, sorrel (species), stinging nettle, common cockle, white quinoa, wild poppy, sunflower seed, dry ribs, field sedge, common gill.
  • Medium sensitive weeds: field thistle, blue cornflower, birch-like bittercress, dandelion, wild sow thistle, common bindweed, common bindweed, common rue, tricolor violet, field chrysanthemum.
  • Less sensitive weeds: field birch, ivy-leaved veronica, all types of cereal weeds.
Culture Spectrum of action Norm drug consumption Processing time
Growth stagecultures Growth stageweed
Winter wheat, winter barley, rye Annual dicotyledons 5 g per 50-60 l of water per 20 acres + Tandem adhesive 10-15 ml per 10 l of water From the tillering phase to the appearance of the flag leaf inclusive From the cotyledon phase to 4 leaves
Sunflower fallow Up to 5-10 cm
Field thistle, yellow thistle Rosette phase (4-6 leaves)
Cleaver Up to 4 rings
Spring wheat, spring barley Annual dicotyledons 4-5 g per 50-60 l of water per 20 acres + Tandem adhesive 10-15 ml per 10 l of water From the 2-3 leaf phase to the appearance of the flag leaf inclusive In the 2-4 leaf phase

Before spraying, it is necessary to dissolve the calculated amount of the drug (see table) in clean water and mix thoroughly. The working solution should be used on the day of its preparation, since long-term storage causes the drug to lose its properties, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the action against weeds. The treatment should be carried out under favorable weather conditions (no gusty wind, air temperature not higher than +250C, no dew), usually these are morning (before 10-11) and evening (18-22) hours.

Spraying It is necessary to carry out during the period of the beginning of weed growth (cotyledons - two pairs of true leaves. It is not recommended to use the drug under adverse conditions (in cold or very hot weather, with excessive moisture and during the period when weeds are in a depressed state), as well as when the plants are wet after rainfall. It is advisable to use it in a mixture with insecticides. FAS, ANTICOLORAD, and also with fungicide FUNDAZIMIn case of intensive weed infestation, it is recommended to use a tank mixture: GOLD STAR, 4 g + GOLIAF, 100-150 ml per 50-60 l of water per 20 acres.

Maximum number of treatments per season – 1. The period for people to enter the cultivated areas for manual work is not required, for mechanized work – 3 days.
Waiting period from processing to harvesting - not regulated.

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Gold Star 5g

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