Herbicide Napalm Forte 300ml. Family Garden


Systemic herbicide of continuous action with extra concentration

  • Active ingredient: glyphosate (potassium salt) 550 g/l
  • Pharmaceutical form: soluble concentrate 
  • Period of protective action: 3 weeks
  • Packaging: 300 ml.
  • WHO classification: Class III (moderately toxic)

Best result:
Thistle, birch, bittercress, Sophia's creeping creeper, dandelion, field yarrow, creeping clover, spurge, ragweed and some other malicious weeds have increased resistance to glyphosate (especially with a low content of active ingredient). That is why to overcome them, you should use the effective potassium salt of glyphosate (Napalm Forte) in a tank mix with 2,4-D in the form of ester (Primus). /em>

Culture Spectrum Norms
Fields intended for sowing/growing vegetables and grains Annual grasses and dicotyledonous weeds 20 ml per 8 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters
Rows of fruit and ornamental trees, vineyards and berry bushes Perennial grasses and dicotyledonous weeds 50 ml per 8 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters
Fields, row spacing, crop-free and cluttered areas Noxious weeds (wheatgrass, thistle, birch), cattail, tree and shrub growth 100 ml per 8 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters

Period of application: on vegetative weeds (in autumn, after harvest, or in spring 2 weeks before sowing / planting the crop)

Recommendations for weed control effectiveness:

Annual grasses – at least 5 cm of leaves
Annual dicotyledons – 2 true leaves
Perennial grasses – 10-20 cm tall (or 4-5 leaves)
Perennial cereals – in the flowering phase (before the onset of senescence)

Protective action: 3 weeks

Efficiency rules

1. The optimal temperature for processing is from 15 to 25°C.
The herbicide works at temperatures from +5°C, but its action slows down because carbohydrate metabolism in plants is slowed down.

2. The herbicide should not be used during drought or high (+35°C) temperatures, when the weed is stressed, or on weakly growing weeds. However, the high concentration of potassium salt allows the drug to be used 1-2 weeks before the first frost.

3. At the time of treatment, weeds should be actively growing: wheatgrass – 3-4 leaves (height 10-20 cm) – thistle – 4-5 leaves (rosette diameter 10-20 cm) – field birch – 10-30 cm
schirytsia – 2-6 leaves
ragweed, tansy, chamomile, annuals – 5-20 cm tall or in diameter.

4. The rate of herbicide application depends on the species composition of the weeds. Against creeping wheatgrass, 50 ml is used; against species of wormwood, overgrown thistle and weeds that are difficult to uproot, the rate of herbicide consumption should be increased to 100 ml per 100 sq. m.

5. Soil cultivation is possible 5-7 days after spraying, but optimally - 15-21 days after the weeds have completely died (along with the rhizome).

6. The hardness level of the water for dissolving the drug should be within pH 5.

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Herbicide Napalm Forte 300ml. Family Garden

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