Herbicide Lintur 0.75 g


Herbicide Lintur is the best, indispensable preparation that reliably protects against more than 200 species of perennial and annual dicotyledonous grasses on lawns, as well as in wheat, barley or rye crops, while remaining absolutely safe and harmless to useful crops and lawns. Herbicide Lintur penetrates through the green part of plants, which leads to their drying out together with the roots, and also has a soil effect, preventing the germination of weed seeds. The contents of the 0.75 g package are diluted in 1.5 - 2 liters of water. The resulting working solution is enough to treat 50 sq.m. of lawn.

Active ingredient: dicamba (sodium salt), 659 g/kg, triasulfuron 41 g/kg.

Waiting period after processing: 10 days.

Maximum number of treatments: 1.

Application conditions: treatment is carried out with a freshly prepared solution in dry, windless weather no earlier than 2-3 days after mowing. Grain crops are sprayed from the stage of 4 leaves to the end of the tillering phase of the crop, inclusive. The optimal stage of weed development is cotyledons - 2 pairs of true leaves, thistles - rosette, common marigold - 2-5 rings.

Optimal application temperature: from + 10 ° C to +25 ° C. Do not treat crops with the drug if frost is expected.

  • IMPORTANTLY: Do not use on lawns for up to 6 months.


  • do not cultivate lawns with undersowing legumes;
  • do not feed grass to pets;
  • When working with the drug, avoid getting the working solution on neighboring crops.


culture Drug consumption rate g / hundred Working fluid consumption rate, l / hundred square meters, wood Weeds
Green lawns 0,75 1,5 – 2 Annual and perennial dicotyledonous plants
Winter wheat, spring barley 0,75 1,5 – 2 Annual and perennial dicotyledonous plants
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Herbicide Lintur 0.75 g

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