Fundazol 10 g


Fungicide Fundazol 10g

A systemic fungicide that has both preventive and curative effects and is used on more than 50 crops

Packaging – 10g

1. Stops crop diseases in the early phase. 
2. Actively inhibits the germination of spores and conidia of the pathogen. 
3. Has a fast initial effect and a long protective period. 
4. Systemic action inhibits the process of cell division of fungal pathogens, therefore protecting those parts of the culture that the drug does not even come into contact with.

Period of protective action: up to 2 weeks

FUNDAZOL, ZP – a universal systemic fungicide for protecting crops from diseases.
Preparation form: wettable powder ((ZP)

Active ingredient: benomyl 500 g/kg
Types of packaging: 10 g, 200 g 
WHO classification: Class III (moderately toxic)

Mechanism of action: the active substance stops the development of pathogenic cells in the plant, thereby protecting against disease and treating the plant at the same time.

Recommendations for use:



Consumption rates

Processing method and deadlines

Roses (outdoor)

Powdery mildew

15-20 g per 10 liters of water per 2 hundred square meters

Spraying during the growing season

World experience in the use of preparations with the active ingredient benomyl 500 g/kg:

Sugar beets

Powdery mildew, cercosporosis

6-8 g per 5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters

Spraying during the growing season

Apple tree (seedlings, saplings)

Scab, fusarium and verticillium wiltyellowing

20 g for 5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters

Spraying during the growing season


Powdery mildew, gray rot

8-10 g per 5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters

Spraying before flowering and after harvest


Gray rot, oidium

15 g for 5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters

Spraying during the growing season

The maximum number of treatments is 3 (roses, sugar beets), 2 (currants, grapes), 1 (apple tree). The last treatment before harvest is roses - 5 days before cutting; grapes, sugar beets - 30 days before harvest.

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Fundazol 10 g

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