PhytoDoctor for the garden 10 g


Broad-spectrum biological fungicide for the garden

Biofungicide FITODOCTOR is an environmentally friendly drug of prolonged action for the prevention and treatment of agricultural plants from a complex of diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. The basis of the drug FITODOCTOR is a live spore bacterium. The bacterium inhibits the reproduction and development of many phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria, and also helps to increase immunity and stimulates plant growth.

  • Seedlings – seedling soaking – 10 g per 5 liters

Preparation of working solution:

The working solution is prepared 1-2 hours before treatment, which is necessary for the revival of bacterial spores. Seeds and planting material are treated in the shade or under a canopy, avoiding direct sunlight. The suspension of the drug is evenly applied to the treated surface using a backpack sprayer or other spraying equipment. The drug is safe for humans, so it can be used before and during harvest, and the products are allowed to be used without a waiting period after treatments. The period of use of the drug is from sowing to ripening.

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PhytoDoctor for the garden 10 g

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