Garden paint for protecting trees and shrubs 1.4 kg


Garden paint for trees 1.4 kg

Replaces lime, has more effective properties. It contains antifungal and antimicrobial components that prevent the development of spores of microorganisms. The protective coating remains on the surface of plants for at least 1 year, tolerates temperature drops from -40C to +40C.

How to use:

The paint is used 2 times a year in autumn and early spring during the period (t above 0C), it is possible in summer. Wounds are smeared in spring or summer with undiluted paint. It is necessary to paint when there is no rain and snow, removing the remains of the old bark. Before use, the paint must be mixed and, if necessary, diluted with water (5-10% by weight). The paint consumption is 40-100 grams per young tree, it is advisable to cover 1-2 times.


  • Therapeutic and preventive coloring of trunks and bases of skeletal branches in order to increase the winter hardiness of the bark of fruit and ornamental plants;
  • Protects against sunburn;
  • Disinfection of the trunk and branches, destruction of pathogens and pests;
  • Protection from rodents, hares;
  • Treatment for infection with black cancer;
  • Covering cuts after pruning in the garden.

water, synthetic polymer, calcium carbonate, copper sulfate, antiseptic, antifungal and antimicrobial additives.

  • Manufacturer: Ukraine.
  • Packing: 1.4 kg.
  • The color is white.
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Garden paint for protecting trees and shrubs 1.4 kg

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