Bioinsecticide Actofit 900 ml


Description Actofit 200 ml

Biological product based on soil fungus Streptomices & avermitilis. Recommended for protection of agricultural and ornamental crops from herbivorous and fruit-damaging pests. Homogeneous transparent liquid from light yellow to dark yellow with a specific odor.


  • The active ingredient is aversectin C – 0.2%.
  • Alcoholic solution of aversectin extract C – 59.5%;
  • Polyethylene oxide-400 – 40.0%;
  • Proxanol CL - 0.5%.

How to use Actofit 200 ml

  • The drug is used during the growing season of plants as pests appear.
  • Treatment should be carried out with any type of sprayer that provides fine spray and uniform wetting of the leaf surface. Use personal protective equipment.
  • Treatment should be carried out in dry, clear, windless weather with little chance of precipitation for 8-10 hours.
  • The optimal temperature for the use of Actofit is + 18ºС and above. Lower temperatures reduce the effectiveness of the drug, higher temperatures increase it: at temperatures of +28ºС and above, it is recommended to reduce the consumption rate of the drug by 25% without losing its effectiveness. It is not recommended to carry out treatment early in the morning dew period and in the evening.
  • When preparing the working solution, thorough mixing with water is necessary to form an emulsion: to do this, first thoroughly mix a small amount of water (about 1/3 of the required amount) with the calculated amount of the drug, then add the required amount of water and mix again.
  • Storage of the working solution is not allowed: the drug, diluted in water, prepared for spraying, is not stored for more than 5-6 hours - the drug is inactivated.


A biological preparation for the destruction of pests of agricultural crops and ornamental plants in both open and closed ground: Colorado potato beetle, aphids, mites, thrips, cabbage whitefly, scoop, herbivores and many other pests.

Culture Pest object Consumption rate, 
Number of treatments
Potato Colorado potato beetle, adult 4 1-2
Cucumbers (indoor) Herbivorous mites 4 1-2
Aphid 8 1-2
Thrips 10 1-2
Tomatoes, eggplants, Potato beetle 4 1-2
Herbivorous mites 4 1-2
Aphid 8 1-2
Thrips 10 1-2
Cabbage Cabbage white 4 1-2
Noctuid 4 1-2
Aphid 8 1-2
Ornamental crops, flowers, roses (covered soil) Herbivorous mites 4 1-2
Aphid 8 1-2
Thrips 10-12 1-2
Ringed silkworm 4 1
Passing moths 10 1-2
Grape Spider mite 2 1-2
Grape leaf beetle 2 1-2
Fruit crops, berries Sawmills 4 1
Herbivorous mites 4 1-2
Aphid 6 1-2
Apple moth 5 1
Fruit-eaters 6 1-2
Flower eaters 4 1-2
Garden strawberry Strawberry mite 6 1-2
Weevil 4 1
Hop Spider mite 4 1-2

Practical recommendations for using Actofit 0.2% for closed and open soil:

Spraying during the growing season with tractor and backpack sprayers at intervals of at least 20 days; isolation of bee departure for 1 day, personnel departure after 2 days.

Culture Pest object Drug consumption rate
Working fluid flow rate
Method, processing time, limitations, recommended brands of machines. Deadline for entering the treated areas. Multiplicity of treatments


For indoor use. Waiting time – 48 hours.


Cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers in protected soil Spider mite 2.0 – 4.0 1000-2000 2-3
Peach and melon aphid 8,0 – 16,0 1000-2000 Spraying during the growing season with an interval of at least 14 days 2-3
Tobacco and California thrips 10,0 – 20,0 1000-2000 Spraying during the growing season with an interval of at least 20 days 2-3
Roses and other ornamental crops in protected soil Spider mite 1,2-2,4 600-1200 Spraying during the growing season with an interval of at least 14 days 2-3
Tobacco and Western Flower Thrips 6.0 – 12.0 600-1200 Spraying during the vegetative period with an interval of at least 14 days 2-3
All types of open-seated aphids 4,0 – 8,0 500-1000 Spraying during the growing season with an interval of at least 14 days 2-3


For open ground. Waiting time – 48 hours.


Potato Colorado potato beetle 1.6 – 2.4 400-600 1 – 2
Cauliflower and white cabbage Cabbage and rapeseed whitefly, cabbage scoop 2.4 – 3.2 600-800 1 – 2
Currant Pincers 1.2 – 2.4 600 2
Sawmills 1,8 – 2,4 600 2
Leafhoppers and mealybugs 2.4 – 3.6 600 2
Apple Herbivorous mites 1.2 – 2.4 600-1200 1 – 2
Aphids sitting openly 4.8 – 9.6 600-1200 1 – 2
Leafhoppers, mealybugs, scoops, fruit moths 2.4 – 4.8 600-1200 1 – 2

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Bioinsecticide Actofit 900 ml

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