Anti-caterpillars 4 ml + Boxwood 3 ml


Anti-tracking. Contact-intestinal insecticide for protecting vegetable, solanaceous, fruit and other crops from a range of pests.

Active ingredient: lambda-cyhalothrin, 50 g/l.
Preparation form: suspension concentrate.

  • acts quickly and effectively on the main stages of insect development;
  • controls insects with gnawing and stinging-sucking mouthparts;
  • has a long-term effect on pests;
  • does not develop resistance in pests;
  • contributes to increasing the quantity and improving the quality of the harvest;
  • economically profitable and environmentally safe.
Culture Spectrum of action Drug consumption rate Method, processing time Waiting period, days
Cabbage Fleas, aphids, cabbage whitefly 4 ml per 3-5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters Spraying during the growing season when pests appear 20
Fruit trees including apple trees Fruit borer, leafhoppers, apple moth, apple fruit sawfly, mites 4 ml per 5-8 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters 30
Pea Pea mealybug, pea aphid, pea fruit fly, thrips, fireflies 1.5 ml per 3-5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters 14
Soy acacia fireflies, thrips 1.5 ml per 3-5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters
For the consumer's information. World experience in using a similar drug:
Potato Colorado potato beetle and its larvae, aphids 2 ml per 3-5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters Spraying during the growing season when pests appear 14
Bow Onion fly 2-3 ml per 3-5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters 10
Tomatoes, eggplants Colorado potato beetle and its larvae, aphids 2 ml per 3-5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters 7
Cucumbers Aphids, thrips 1-2 ml per 3-5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters 7
Cereal crops Bugs, harmful beetles, thrips, fleas, leafhoppers, leeches, aphids, winter scoop 2-3 ml per 3-5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters 20
Beet (sugar, fodder) Beet fleas, scale insects, and aphids 1.5-2.0 ml per 3-5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters

Application: Before spraying, it is necessary to dissolve the calculated amount of the drug (see Table) in clean water and mix thoroughly. The working solution should be used on the day of its preparation, since prolonged storage loses the properties of the drug, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the action against pests. The treatment should be carried out under favorable weather conditions (no gusty wind, air temperature not higher than +25 0 С), usually in the morning (before 10-11) and evening (18-22) hours. During spraying, it is necessary to achieve uniform coverage of the leaves and stems of plants with the solution.

Working fluid flow rate: young trees – 2-3 l / tree, fruit trees – 5 l / tree.
Maximum number of treatments per season – 2.
The interval between treatments is when a new pest population appears.
Exit deadline people on cultivated areas for manual work – 10 days, for mechanized work – 4 days.

Systemic fungicide against a complex of diseases of apple trees, peaches and vineyards.

Active ingredient: kresoxim-methyl, 100g/l + difenoconazole, 200g/l;
Preparation form: suspension concentrate.

Characteristics and advantages:

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • highly effective against many pathogens of fungal diseases;
  • resistant to washing away by precipitation;
  • improves product quality, increases the number of fruit formations.

Use of the drug:



Consumption rate of the drug, per 5 liters of water


Method, processing time

Apple tree, peach, grapes


Powdery mildew, scab, leaf curl, mildew, oidium, etc. Spraying during the growing season


Phytophthora, alternariosis, macrosporiosis,

Spraying during the growing season
Potato Late blight, Alternaria blight,

Consumption rates:

  • young trees – 2-3 l/tree,
  • fruit trees – 5 l/tree,
  • grapes – 3-5 l/bush.
Maximum number of treatments: apple tree, grapes – 2, peach – 1.
Waiting period before harvest I – 30 days.
Interval between treatments: with a weak infectious background - 10-14 days, with a strong one - reduce to 7-10 days.
Exit dates people to the cultivated areas for mechanized / manual work - 3/7 days.
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Anti-caterpillars 4 ml + Boxwood 3 ml

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