Ammonium nitrate 2 kg


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Аміачна селітра 2 кг N-34,4%
Universal nitrogen fertilizer, used when transplanting plants, fertilizing and as a component of complex fertilizers. In its pure form, it is used on alkaline soils, for acidic soils it is used in combination with liming. It is white, easily soluble in water granules.
Properties: promotes the growth of the root system of plants, increases yield. Method of application:
when cultivating the soil - 25-30 g/m2;
when planting plants - 3-4 g per hole;
when fertilizing - 3-4 g/m2.
For application to the soil, it is recommended to pour the required amount of fertilizer onto the soil surface and water it abundantly. It is also possible to dilute the fertilizer in water. If the same norms are observed, 10 liters of water are taken.
Features: not recommended for growing melon plants; should be protected from heat, do not mix with peat, sawdust, and other substances that easily ignite.
Shelf life and agrotechnical suitability: no restrictions. GOST 2-85

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Ammonium nitrate 2 kg

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