Агроволокно укривне Agreen 42 (9,5х50)Основна відмінність агроволокна AGREEN – стійкість до ультрафіолету (СУФ).
The canvas is white, lightweight, has a uniform structure, and is used as a covering material for beds after planting seedlings.
Passes water and air well;
High light transmission;
Захищає від заморозків до -7 ° С;
Protects plants from overheating;
Protection from birds and insect pests;
Does not require frames for greenhouses and hotbeds (the weight of the canvas allows it to be placed directly on the plants);
Accelerates ripening and improves the yield of berry and vegetable crops.
Агроволокно біле Agreen щільність 42 (9,5х50)
5491,80 ₴
Density | 42 г./м.кв. |
Width | 9, 5 м. |
Length | 50 m. |
Color | White |
Frost protection | Up to -7°C |
Type of agrofiber | Ukryvne |
Using | For tomatoes, For lawn grass |
Packaging | Roll |
Fortified edge | None |