Seeds and planting material
Seeds – Daikon Kumamoto, 200 pcs.
8,01 ₴Description and benefits of Kumamoto daikon seedsHave you ever felt the pleasure of planting a seed and watching it grow into a living, green plant? If your soul yearns for new gardening p…
Seeds and planting material
Seeds – Daikon Sasha, 1.5 g.
7,92 ₴Daikon (sweet radish), created in Japan, where it ranks first in terms of the area sown among vegetables. Sasha is an early variety, the growing season is 35-45 days. It is used fresh. The root crop is round, d…
Seeds and planting material
Seeds – Daikon Shunkyo medium-long, 20 pcs.
7,20 ₴Daikon (lobo) from Northern China with long, 15-20 cm, fairly smooth, cylindrical deep pink roots with crispy, white flesh. The aroma is both hot and extremely sweet. Edible, smooth leaves with pink…
Seeds and planting material
Seeds – Daikon Japanese white, 2 g.
7,38 ₴Super-yielding, drought-resistant, mid-ripening (55-60 days) variety. The root crop is smooth, white, 45-60 cm long, 3/4 buried in the soil. The flesh is snow-white, juicy, sweet, crunchy, with a slightly sharp taste. Resistant to…
Seeds and planting material
Seeds – DAIKON, 2 g OS
0,00 ₴Mid-ripening variety. The period from germination to ripening is 60-75 days. The root crops are large, cylindrical in shape, 50-75 cm long, weighing 1.5-2 kg, white in color. The flesh is white. GMO-free….
Seeds and planting material
Seeds – Economy pack – Swede, 10 g.
11,16 ₴Unpretentious, cold-resistant, not demanding on soils, can grow on peatlands. A wonderful vegetable and a popular fodder crop, roots and leaves are used. Famous for its high content of vitamins and trace elements, it is a substitute for…