Seeds – Economy pack – Orange Carrot, 20 g.
0,00 ₴Late – 117-127 days. The root crop is conical in shape, orange in color, 13-15 cm long, 2.2-3.7 cm in diameter. The weight of the root crop is 155-235 g. The color of the surface, core and pulp of the root crop is orange. The core …
Seeds – Economy pack – Carrot Artek, 10 g.
0,00 ₴Early variety. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 65-85 days, bunch-ripe – 45-50 days. The root crops are small, thickened-cylindrical in shape with a blunt tip, 15-16 cm long, weighing 80-130 g, orange in color. …
Seeds – Economy pack – Babette Carrot, 10 g.
14,22 ₴The rosette of leaves is semi-raised, the petioles are long. The leaves are dark green, glabrous. For open ground. Early variety, from germination to technical ripeness it takes 65-75 days. The root crop is intense orange, smooth. The head …
Seeds – Economy pack – Grandma's Goodies Carrot, 20 g.
21,87 ₴Medium-late – 117-127 days. The root crop is conical in shape, orange-red in color, 12-15 cm long, 2.3-3.4 cm in diameter. The weight of the root crops is 125-195 g. The color of the surface of the core and pulp of the root crops is orange…
Seeds – Economy Pack – Carrot Coreless, 10 g.
0,00 ₴Late variety. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 110-130 days. The root crops are long, cylindrical-conical in shape with a blunt tip, 18-22 cm long, weighing 160-200 g, orange in color. GMO-free….
Seeds – Economy pack – September Carrot, 20 g.
0,00 ₴Medium-late – 116 – 128 days. The root crop is conical in shape, orange-red in color, 17 – 23 cm long, 4 – 5 cm in diameter. The weight of the root crop is 125 – 225 g. The color of the surface of the core and pulp of the root crop is or…