Other spices
Seeds – Anise Medicinal, Hem Zaden, (Netherlands), 0.3 g.
3,60 ₴Anise is one of the oldest essential and oil crops. The fruits and anise essential oil are widely used in medicine, the production of cosmetics and perfumes, as well as in cooking. It is an annual plant from the Umbelliferae family, growing…
Other spices
Seeds – Artichoke Green Globe, Hem Zaden (Netherlands), 0.5 g.
10,35 ₴The plant is up to 90 cm tall, slightly branched, has large leaves and green inflorescences. In the first year, 4-6 inflorescences are formed on each plant, in the second year - 10-12. It is a dietary product and a delicacy….
Other spices
Seeds – Green artichoke, 0.5 g.
9,18 ₴Perennial vegetable plant, requires shelter in the winter. Bush height 150-200 cm. Flowers are large, 10-15 cm in diameter, green in color. Harvesting is carried out before flowering begins, starting from the second year. Used for food…
Other spices
Seeds – Purple Artichoke, 0.5 g.
9,18 ₴Perennial vegetable plant, requires shelter in the winter. Bush height 150-200 cm. Flowers large, 10-15 cm in diameter, purple with green color. Harvesting is carried out before flowering begins, starting from the second year…
Other spices
Seeds – Sandwich Mustard, salad, 0.5 g.
0,00 ₴Early variety. The period from germination to harvesting greens is 20-30 days. The leaves are medium-sized, juicy with a pleasant mustard taste, green in color. The greens are harvested when the plants reach a height of 10-15 cm. GMO-free….
Other spices
Seeds – Fenugreek, 0.3 g.
6,12 ₴Трігонела – однорічна трав’яниста рослина сімейства бобових. До родючості грунту не вимоглива, але краще росте на удобрених, добре освітлених ділянках. Розмножується насінням (насіння дрібне, кругле, чорно-коричневе). Ви…