Bros Mice and Rat Granules 100 g Rodenticide


Bros Mice and Rat Granules 100 g

Bros pellets for mice and rats are a highly effective and fast-acting means for destroying mice and rats.

The high effectiveness of the drug is guaranteed by the high taste appeal of the product, as well as the delayed effect: the rodent dies 4-5 days after using the drug, and other individuals cannot associate this with the use of poison.
The rodent dies due to dehydration, so thanks to the mummifying properties, there will be no unpleasant odor after the rodent dies.

The product also contains a special bitter substance that prevents accidental ingestion by people or pets.


  • Mice: pour a portion of 20-25 g in one place (approximately 20 m2).
  • Rats: 50 – 100 g, respectively.

Complete destruction of pests occurs approximately 10-15 days after application of the drug.

Attention! Rodents are very distrustful and have an excellent sense of smell, so the container used for the preparation must be free of any odors. The same applies to gloves and other items used to pour the poison. Do not use tableware!

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Bros Mice and Rat Granules 100 g Rodenticide

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