Herbicide Napalm 100 ml


Herbicide Napalm 100 ml

Systemic herbicide of continuous action for weed control

Packaging: 100 ml.


1. It is used for pre-sowing or pre-emergence treatments of more than 150 crops. It is used both in spring and autumn. 
2. Completely destroys more than 100 species of annual and perennial dicotyledonous and grass weeds. 

Period of protective action: within 1 month or more

The systemic drug, after hitting the leaves and green parts of the stems, penetrates the root system of plants. The visual effect (withering, yellowing) of annual weeds appears within 2-4 days, perennial weeds - within 7-10 days, shrub vegetation - within 20-30 days.
Napalm is the most effective way to effectively clear fields and plots of malicious weeds that reproduce not only by seeds, but also by root processes (and rhizomes (wheatgrass, pigweed, field birch, field thistle, etc.).

The drug is used as a desiccant before harvesting grain crops, sunflower, flax, and rapeseed, which allows you to improve grain quality by reducing moisture and crop contamination.  
Napalm is low-toxic, and in the soil it quickly (within 14 days) decomposes into natural components: water, carbon dioxide, and phosphates, so it is not dangerous for subsequent crop rotation crops.

The drug is not washed away by precipitation within 2-3 hours after spraying; it penetrates the plant only through leaves and young shoots, does not affect the plant through the soil, therefore it does not prevent seed germination, which allows weed treatment near useful plants, as well as before sowing or planting crops.

Napalm guarantees complete death of both the aboveground and root parts of weeds; it is an ideal partner for tank mixtures with herbicides from the group of phenoxy acids and sulfonylureas. 
Napalm is also recommended for controlling hydrophytic weeds (sedges, cattails, etc.).

Mechanism of action:

The use of the drug during the period of intensive weed growth, before the beginning of their flowering, allows you to completely destroy all malicious perennial weeds, including such as creeping wheatgrass, pink thistle, field bindweed, etc. In addition, the drug is used to combat hydrophytic weeds (sedges, cattails, etc.)
Precipitation that falls 4-5 hours after treatment with the drug does not affect its herbicidal activity.

Recommendations for use:


Harmful substances'objects

Consumption rates

Processing method

Fruit and vineyards


Annualandgrasses and dicotyledons

40 ml per 5-8 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters

Directed spraying of vegetative weeds in spring (provided that cultivated plants are protected)

Perennial grasses and dicotyledonous weeds

80 ml per 5-8 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters

Vegetable crops, ornamental flowers for seeds


Annualandgrasses and dicotyledons

40 ml per 5-8 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters

Spraying of vegetative weedsin the spring, 2 weeks before sowing the crop

Perennial grasses and dicotyledonous weeds

80 ml per 5-8 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters

The effect of the drug on annual weedsThe disease manifests itself within 3-4 days, for perennials – 7-10 days. Complete death of the'The storms last for 10-15 (up to 30) days, depending on weather conditions and the type of storms.'Janiv.


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Herbicide Napalm 100 ml

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