Iron sulfate 1 kg


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An effective remedy for treating various diseases, the pathogens of which live under the bark and in the leaves of plants.
Packaging: 1 kg.
It is used to combat fungal diseases of trees and shrubs, powdery mildew, lichens and mosses on trees. In combination with citric acid, it is used to independently manufacture microfertilizers to combat chlorosis (impaired chlorophyll formation) - iron chelates.
Properties: destroys pathogenic microorganisms, restores impaired chlorophyll formation.
Method of application: - for trees with stone fruits - 300 g per 10 liters of water; - for trees with pome fruits - 500 g per 10 liters of water; - for shrubs - 250 g per 10 liters of water; - for preparing chelate for 1 bush / tree - 2 g of iron sulfate and 1.5-2.5 g of citric acid (depending on the acidity of the soil) per 1 liter of water.
Treatment is carried out by spraying the plants themselves in the spring before bud break or in the autumn after the leaves fall.
Features: the diluted solution must be used immediately, mixing with other products is not recommended, contact with skin and eyes should be avoided.
Shelf life and agrotechnical suitability: no restrictions. GOST 6981-94
Iron sulfate is your ally in the fight for plant health
Iron sulfate is a fungicidal drug that is widely used in the fight against various plant diseases. You can buy the drug at an affordable price. Despite the affordable cost, the drug is effective. Treating plants with this drug allows you to get rid of moss, mold, lichens. If you spray the plants correctly, you can cure the spots that are often found on roses.
Why is iron sulfate used? Iron sulfate allows you to improve the properties of the soil, which are responsible for fertility. It can also be used to protect plants from parasites. The use of a product for treating crops growing on carbonate, too salty soils will be effective. Basically, for such land, the use of iron sulfate is a unique opportunity to provide the soil with iron. Iron sulfate is widely used in gardening. This product is a water-soluble powder. It is sold as small green crystals. The solution is prepared very simply. The crystals dissolve quickly in warm water. The suspension cannot be stored for long, as it quickly loses its characteristics. It is mainly used in the spring. Iron sulfate can be used as an independent product or in combination with other fertilizers. It can be added to slaked lime, which is used for whitewashing.
Often gardeners do not know whether it is possible to spray grapes with iron sulfate. In this case, you should pay attention to the soil and the condition of the crop. A solution of iron sulfate for grapes allows you to get rid of insects, especially those that live inside the trunk.
In gardening, treatment with iron sulfate is often used. For example, for treating the surface of wooden buildings, gazebos and sheds. It also has an effective preventive effect in the formation of mold and fungus.
Main advantages and minor disadvantages
You can buy iron sulfate in Ukraine at an affordable price in our online store Grain. This tool is widely used in gardening. You can evaluate the positive and effective result from the use of this tool only after strictly following the instructions for preparing the solution. The tool protects grapes from pests and diseases, and also has many advantages:
versatility; highly effective in eliminating diseases of fruit trees and shrubs; low toxicity; has a surface effect and does not penetrate plant cells; availability.
The drug has minor drawbacks: rain washes away the substance (therefore, it is better to spray when there is no precipitation forecast for a long time), and it is also impossible to treat when there are no leaves. In addition, it is not effective in controlling insect pests.
It is very easy to dilute the powder. To do this, you need to use a clean container. 2 liters of water will require 500 g of powder. It is important to note that the water should be warm, but not hot. When preparing the solution, follow the instructions in the instructions. Then the product will be effective. Ordering funds for the garden and orchard from the company Zerno
Gardeners will find it useful to know where to buy iron sulfate in the city of Kyiv or other regions of Ukraine. The online store Zerno has a large selection of products that are used in the agricultural sector and not only. The price of this product is affordable. All products are high-quality and have the necessary certificates. The company offers favorable terms of cooperation. Managers will provide professional advice and help you choose the right product.

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Iron sulfate 1 kg

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