Zinc sulfate 120g


SKU: DBR089963 Categories: , Brand:

Zinc sulfate (zinc sulfate) ZnSO₄-7H₂O -22%
pH: 5.5-6.5.
Another name is zinc sulfate, zinc sulfate.
Zinc sulfate has undeniable advantages, which are clearly visible in the following crops:
Corn (increases the feed value of grains)
Spring wheat and oats (increases the percentage of phosphorus in the grain, makes the ear fuller)
Lettuce (ensures the formation of chlorophyll, fills the plant with ascorbic acid and trace elements)
Clover (increases green mass)
Beetroot (ensures yield, increases sugar levels)
Flax (stimulates the growth of long fibers and the number of seeds)
Uses of zinc sulfate
Prevents zinc deficiency on sod-carbonate, limed sod-podzolic soils, carbonate chernozems, gray soils, chestnut soils, etc. with a neutral or close to neutral reaction. Most often, this deficiency manifests itself in the formation of short internodes and narrow leaves, most often in beans and corn.
If the leaves of your plants have turned yellow, become spotted, and the internodes have become short, these are the first signs of zinc deficiency. To feed the plants, you need to buy zinc sulfate.

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Zinc sulfate 120g

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